![]() Dr. Apple Chui, a Pew Marine Fellow. | ![]() Rearing coral embryos and larvae. | ![]() Different coral sperm dilutions. |
![]() Baby coral! |
Dr. Chui has been selected as a #PewMarineFellows working to develop new techniques for re-establishing coral communities at degraded sites in Hong Kong. More coral babies are coming!!!
SCMP I Hong Kong Society
Apple Chui, or ‘Coral Mum’, has been selected as a finalist for Spirit of Hong Kong Awards 2024 in the community category. Chui stressed that restoration alone was not enough to solve the broader environmental crisis. “Restoration is important, but we also need to focus on reducing global climate threats, improving local conditions, reducing pollution and protecting the coral we still have,” she said. Despite such obstacles, Chui remained optimistic about the future, with her team developing micro-fragmentation techniques to accelerate coral growth and exploring ways to breed resilient corals. Meanwhile, through Coral Academy, Chui continued to inspire young people to take responsibility for their environment. “Coral restoration isn’t just about saving the ocean,” she said. “It’s about showing people that they can be part of something bigger.”
彭博商業周刊/中文版 Bloomberg Businessweek/Chinese Edition
Protector of the sea
Marine biologist Apple Chui knows exactly how to make coral multiply and fill the waters. From a childhood love of the sea, she grew her pet topic through work and study. Now, as research assistant professor of the School of Life Sciences, she has a wealth of knowledge to show by example the science behind reproducing coral. The spawning of coral is an enchanting spectacle. Professor Chui can talk at length about its early life stages and sexual propagation, but is far from starry-eyed about the challenges of her chosen specialty. “Coral spawning research is like a fight,” she says. “Corals spawn once a year, which lasts only a few days. If you miss it, or cannot get down to the water due to a typhoon or thunderstorm, the year-long research will have to be put off. You need to be extremely well prepared, as the slightest mistake will cost you the game.”
中大生命科學學院專家崔佩怡 實驗室培育珊瑚BB
信報 I 訪談錄
香港青年協會 I 078期專訪
「我希望做到一件事,就是令大家與大自然有情感上的連結,使大家可以親眼看見並認同香港的海底真的很美。當他們有這個想法時,他們就自然會想保持這份美麗。」 — 香港中文大學生命科學學院研究助理教授暨珊瑚學院創辦人(崔佩怡)
配合聯合國「持續發展目標」(Sustainable Development Goals,SDG),筆者認為很值得特區政府推動和支持。香港科學研究多元化、領域廣泛,在珊瑚研究工作上亦有很顯著的成果,例如中文大學創立「珊瑚學院實驗室」(Carol Academy Lab),重點研究香港珊瑚生態系統的生物學、生態學和修復,並利用吐露港赤門海峽作為「試驗田」(testbed)。實驗室主要研究兩個問題:(一)在未來變幻無常的氣候下,目前存在於香港等邊緣珊瑚環境中的珊瑚礁,將會如何受到影響?(二)在具有生態意義的規模上,如何能夠增強珊瑚種群的生命力,以及如何修復退化的珊瑚棲息地?
香港故事: 創科夢工場
RTHK 香港電台
Hong Kong Stories - Inventors in Hong Kong:Head to the Ocean! Coral Mama!
RTHK 香港電台
From childhood adventures of fishing and crabbing with her parents and older brother to diving and conserving nature with her research team, Dr Chui Pui-yi, a Research Assistant Professor of School of Life Sciences at CUHK, is driven by a deep love for the ocean. She dedicates herself to studying the restoration and cultivation of local corals, with the aim of reviving the vibrant colors of Hong Kong's underwater world. With a seamless blend of wetsuits and lab coats, oxygen tanks, and microscopes, Dr Chui and her passionate young research team took part on a groundbreaking mission. After successfully achieving Hong Kong's first artificial sexual reproduction of corals, they now delve into innovative techniques to unravel the secrets of coral growth mechanisms. Corals are extremely sensitive to their living environment and have an exceptionally slow growth rate. Overcoming these hurdles requires passion and perseverance. The research team works tirelessly day and night, disregarding weather conditions. Drawing from international experiences and utilising advanced instruments, they have made significant breakthroughs in recent years, witnessing the gradual success of their restoration project. "Corals need to be tough!" "Grow faster, corals!" With a maternal concern evident in her care for the baby corals, Dr Chui is also a mother herself. Balancing the demanding task of nurturing her juvenile corals with the nighttime anticipation of her two-year-old child waiting for her at home, Dr Chiu constantly contemplates the choices she faces as a woman. In the face of global warming and the consequences of extreme weather events, rising water temperatures and powerful typhoons pose a threat to the critical threshold for coral survival. The team collaborates with various stakeholders, rallying support even from the smallest of water tanks, in their determined efforts to strengthen local coral restoration. However, the future of conservation endeavors remains challenging, with increasing difficulties worldwide. "Coral Mama" Dr Chui and her companions tirelessly guard the ocean, witnessing not only the growth of corals but also their own personal transformation amid the ebb and flow of tides.
Reef relief: building a better future for coral
CUHK in Touch
Brightly coloured, fractally shaped and home to a plethora of sea life: everyone loves coral. However, from the effects of climate change, pollution, overfishing to an increasingly populated planet – corals are under threat. CUHK scholar Dr Apple Chui Pui-yi is collaborating with the WWF to fight back on their behalf, with a coral rescue team that’s helping coral to flourish.
色彩絢麗、形狀奇特的珊瑚礁,孕育 無數海洋生物,深受人們喜愛。然而珊瑚礁正面臨各種威脅,氣候變化、海洋污染、過度捕魚等問題隨着人口增多也日漸加劇。中大學者崔佩怡博士與世界自然基金會合作,召集了一支珊瑚拯救小隊,幫助牠們繁衍生息。
HK's hot summer leaves coral 'stressed and starving'
rthk hong kong news
Marine biologists said Hong Kong's record-breaking summer heat left coral "stressed and starving" across the territory as they warned that water activities were potentially making the situation even worse.
Chui said human activities in areas where coral grows were likely making the situation worse, noting that 33 percent of coral was bleached at Sharp island in Sai Kung – a hotspot for divers, snorkelers and kayakers...
How collaboration can help preserve precious coral communities - and why we need to
The Dress Circle I Issue No. 42
In Hong Kong, a city that surprisingly has more hard coral species in its waters than the Caribbean, concerted efforts are underway to revive these precious colonies. One major initiative, a collaboration between researchers, government, and with corporate, NGO and private citizen assistance, is the Coral Academy, an outreach programme based at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)....
「香港賽馬會呈獻系列:藝術有理」科學家分享會 - 珊瑚媽媽
香港科學館 Hong Kong Science Museum
講者:崔佩怡教授 (香港中文大學生命科學學院研究助理教授、珊瑚學院創辦人) *
回來吧珊瑚 - 人工繁殖修復生態災難
有線新聞 - 小事大意義
珊瑚礁的覆蓋率不足全球海洋的1%,卻孕育了25%海洋物種,為牠們提供重要的棲息地——若珊瑚消失,我們也無法再吃海鮮。 香港吐露港一帶曾有80%珊瑚覆蓋量,但因80年代沙田新市鎮發展,大量污水排放引發生態災難,珊瑚覆蓋量於短短幾年間跌至0.2%,因此香港中文大學幾年前展開復育計劃,人工繁殖珊瑚後再放回大海,計劃聽起來簡單,但珊瑚生長速度極緩慢,加上海水污染和全球暖化的影響,令生態修復工作困難重重,到底是甚麼推動這些人守護海洋?日常生活上我們又可以怎樣保育珊瑚?
#珊瑚 #環境保育 #珊瑚學院 #海水污染 #全球暖化 #生物多樣性 #小事大意義 #有線新聞
What’s so special about corals in Hong Kong? They are simply tough! In Hong Kong, the water temperature can go down to 13°C in winter and up to 31°C in summer. It’s quite a feat to survive such temperature difference. Corals can adapt to environmental changes, but adaptation takes time. Climate change is just coming too fast. We want to explore if corals in Hong Kong are particularly resilient to temperature changes, and if so, what is the mechanism?”

Issue Two: Marine

Apple Chui in Six Objects

香港世界地質公園:保海岸 育珊瑚
星星話 I 環境局
漁護署與香港中文大學亦合辦「育養珊瑚校園計劃」,鼓勵學校成為珊瑚培育基地。養殖研究團隊從野外收集珊瑚碎塊,讓珊瑚在受保護的環境中成長,在過程中師生會充當珊瑚褓姆,之後適時放回野外。同時,負責項目的師生會在各自校內推廣,與更多同學分享箇中點滴,宣揚保育珊瑚及海洋生態的信息。 早前,我走訪了中大的海洋科學研究中心。在這裡的珊瑚復育基地參與領養珊瑚碎塊和「珊瑚BB」,中大校長段崇智教授和副校長吳樹培先生亦同行領養,我們仨分別領養了不同品種的「珊瑚BB」。近日在「海下遊客中心」,中大珊瑚學院負責人崔佩怡 (Apple),進一步分享了育養珊瑚的近況,包括我所領養的「鹿角珊瑚BB」曾受其他珊瑚滋擾欺凌的生態趣事!今年,大家育養的珊瑚已回歸吐露港赤門海峽的海底世界,將會被定期野外探望,希望「珊瑚BB」茁壯成長。 另外,中大近期又獲漁護署資助,在香港世界地質公園內的東平洲舉辦珊瑚生態探索之旅,讓更多中學生欣賞及參與保育本港珊瑚。
香港水域發現了84種石珊瑚,比加勒比海的種類更加多。 珊瑚究竟是動物,還是植物?珊瑚會用觸手覓食、互相攻擊,還懂得「生蛋」繁殖? 珊瑚為各種海洋生物提供了棲息的場所,一間間「房屋」又有哪些住客?是喜歡背著海葵到處走的寄居蟹,是身穿堅硬盔甲的琵琶蝦,還是身體會變色的偽裝高手「青蛙魚」?
五夜講場 – 真係好科學 2018: